Around October 29th to November 2nd, it is Autumn-SOKO (Frost falls)-53rd KOU “Light rains sometimes fall”.

In the lunisolar calendar, there are descriptions of rain such as “USUI’ (Rain water)” around late February and “KOKUU (Grain rains)” around late April. Rains lead to topics about plants and farming.

It hasn’t rained for the past week. According to the weather forecast, we can’t expect rain next week either. I was curious about the autumn vegetables in my vegetable garden. Then I looked up at the sky, there were pitch black clouds over the western sky. The cloud radar site also forecasted that it would rain from 3 pm.

After all, it didn’t rain until the evening! I will go to the garden and water them tomorrow.

2023/10/29 Japanese raddish. They seem a little down.