March 10th-March 14th, 2024 is Spring-KEICHITSU (Insects awaken)-8th KOU “First peach blooms”.
It looks like it will be a long time before peach blossoms bloom in the HOKUSHIN area. There are no buds yet and the blooming is usually from early to mid-April. And although we will have to wait until the end of July for the peaches to ripen, just imagining a “big and round pink peach” brings a smile to your face 💛 (The word of ”bloom” is “SAKU” in Japanese and “SAKU” also means “to make people laugh”, actually.)
At this time of year, it’s not peaches but plums. So “First plum blossoms.” After plum blossoms, apricots and cherry, and finally peach blossoms.