August 2nd – August 6th, 2024 is NATSU (Summer) – TAISHO (Greater heat)-36th KOU “Great rains sometimes fall.”
It’s summer time! Cumulonimbus clouds appear and rain suddenly falls, but then it stops immediately.
In HAIKU, there are many KIGO (seasonal word) for rain. KIGO for the Greater heat is “SHUU (a sudden heavy rain)”. A famous HAIKU poet, YAMAGUCHI SEISHI wrote,
means that “Riding along the subway, soaked by the sudden rain SHUU, a guy rushed onto the train.”
It would be fine if it only occurred to the extent that it was written about in haiku, but heavy rain can sometimes cause landslides and floods. Nagano Prefecture, due to its topography, is said to be prone to landslides and floods caused by rain.
Yesterday, even though it was sunny, the water in the SAI river was murky and soil-colored.
This is because rain that fell in the upper area such as in theJapan Alps, MATSUMOTO and AZUMINO areas reached at NAGANO area after a certain amount of time. In some places, the riverbanks are steep mountain slopes, which can collect even more rain and sediment.
The length of the SAI river basin is over 100 km all the way to NAGANO. It is amazing how powerful nature is, as weather such long away can affect other areas.