January 20th, 2025 – January 24th is Winter – DAIKAN (Greater cold)-70th KOU “HUKINOTOU (Butterburs) bud”
We have entered DAIKAN, the coldest days in the year. However, the highest temperature yesterday was only 10 degrees. In Shinshu, it is as warm as mid-March.
Perhaps lured by the good weather, HUKINOTOU (butterburs) bud starts to appear, that is a leadoff wild vegetable for coming early spring. FUKI-MISO (chopped HUKINOTOU bud stir-fried with MISO and oil) is fine with rice. It’s hard to describe the deliciousness of this slightly bitter taste😏 If you want to enjoy more the scent of the early spring, you can scatter raw HUKINOTOU bud on top of MISO soup.
It’s a taste unique to Shinshu, where people look forward to the arrival of spring.