January 30th-February 3rd, 2024 is Winter-Daikan (Greater cold)-72nd KOU “Hens start laying eggs.”
According to some websites, at the time the SHICHIJYUUNI-KOU was compiled, chickens only laid eggs from spring to summer.
Don’t you think it’s a little strange? You can eat egg dishes all year round.
But, on second thoughts, you will understand that the description of the 72nd KOU is normal in the Nature.
Therefore, I think the 72nd KOU expresses that the days of great cold (DAIKAN) are coming to an end, and warm spring is approaching.
As I no longer saw chickens kept in private homes, I went to a chicken farm to hear their chirpings.
The ancestor of chickens is a family of Pheasants. The 69th KOU was “Pheasants start to call” and, in the 72nd KOU, that feeling is conveyed to chickens, announcing that spring is approaching.